This level includes:
Video Lessons:
● Video Lesson 15 with speech processors or continuing with hearing aids.
● Video Lesson 16 with speech processors or continuing with hearing aids.
● Video Lesson 17 with speech processors or continuing with hearing aids.
These 10-minute video lessons take you into therapy sessions with babies and young children with hearing loss so that you may observe first-hand how to develop identical weekly targets.
In the Standard Tier, each video lesson comes with
● a Lesson Plan
● a Feedback Form
● Chat
● Video requests as specified
What you and your child will learn:
At the end of this plan, you will
1. Find it easier to communicate with your baby or young child given that s/he is optimally fitted.
2. Enjoy your baby or young child.
3. Consistently be using the ‘Wait!’ cue.
4. Monitor your child’s spontaneous babbling and any spontaneous imitation of key words.
5. Continue to check your baby or young child’s hearing devices daily using Ling’s 6 Sound test.
6. Consistently talk to your baby or young child in longer sentences.
7. Transition to reading picture books with more pictures per double page.
At the end of this plan your baby or young child will
1. Begin answering Yes/No questions.
2. Spontaneously imitate the performative of some of the Learning to Listen sounds.
3. Imitate key words spontaneously.
4. Imitate the pronoun “I” as modelled.
5. Produce an abundance of sound and begin babbling /b…b..b/ and/or /d…d…d/.
6. Identify simple objects by description.
7. Begin to answer the Q forms: Who? Or What? for a few familiar people and objects.